Plugin Collections

Bumper offer for nopCommerce users, download Plugins Collection in $199 and save up to $200 on all plugins. Click here to order now.

Currently supported nopCommerce versions are nopCommerce 3.60, nopCommerce 3.70, nopCommerce 3.80 and nopCommerce 3.90.

All older versions plugin will provided on customer request. For that please send us your inquiry from here. We will get back to you soon.

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Old price: $395.00

Launching new product as Plugins Collection where you can order all our plugin as a collection and get huge benefit. Actual cost of the individual plugins can be around $400 but if you order all as plugin collection you will get all in just $199. Offer is for limited period only.

This collection includes Auction, Shop by Look, Refer and Earn, Product Zoom, Banners Plugin, Product Suggestion and Super Deal plugins.

Please note that our Diwali discount offer will not be applied on this product.